
Disguise Valuables Away From Home

With warm weather approaching, protect your stuff at the beach or anywhere!

Great idea for the car, gym, or dog park as well!


Farfetched Skin Care: Don't forget your neck!

Did you know that your neck ages four times faster than your face? Your upper chest under your collar bone ages even faster!!

Wish I had known that when I was 20! Do everything you do for you face for your neck and upper chest, as well.

Don't forget the back of your neck. Otherwise, you'll be a little old lady with beautiful skin, as long as no one ever sees you from behind. LOL


Farfetched Skin Care: Salicylic Acid

I love products with salicylic acid. This product clears blemishes and reduces the look of wrinkles by exfoliation. Exfoliation is so important as you grow older.

If a product doesn't have salicylic acid in it, such as a soap, lotion, or makeup, I add some from an unconventional (surprise!) source: Compound W wort remover!!!

This product has 7% salicylic acid. Add between 1/8 and 1/2 teaspoon. Be careful and judge by product size and your skin's response. If it gets irritated or dry, decrease the amount. Always start small.

Here's to more beautiful skin! Use the blog for more posts coming up on "Farfetched Skin Care."


Use a fan as a drye!

If you have a large fan, you can drape wet towels and rags over it, as well as pieces of clothing to dry them. I have dried a whole load of microfiber rags or a small wash load of laundry or delicates in a few hours or overnight on our big kitchen floor fan. Very heavy things don't dry well on a fan.

This saves time, energy and utility costs. (Heating elements use the most electricity.)

Don't worry about a fan in colder weather.  Just angle it towards the floor. Remember, fans don't blow cold air. They only circulate air. A fan will always more than pay for itself by doing this in a room. The reason a fan feels cool in the summer is that it cools the skin by evaporation.


Farfetched Makeup Solutions: Lipstick

You just don't want your lipstick to be harsh-looking, especially as you get older.

Tip: Pat a little foundation on your lips *before* you apply lipstick. It makes the color much truer. Then use a makeup sponge to pat a small amount *over* the lipstick. It really softens the look. Then do the last half of step 2 below.

Other ideas:
  1. Put lip balm under the lipstick for a softer shade, and a little shine.

  2. Be sure to blot after you apply (then pat a bit of lipstick right on the inner center of your lower lip and rub your lips together. The darker spot will draw people;s eyes to the center of your face. And it just looks good. :)

  3. The older you get, the more you should avoid lip glosses and frosts.

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